Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

Three Mistakes Romagnoli, The Three Defeat Milan

Position Coach Rome, Rudi Garcia, now being giddy. The surprising defeat of BATE Borisov in the Champions League on Tuesday (29/9), leading to risky Garcia was fired. The party Serie A against Palermo this weekend touted could determine his future.

Rentannya position Garcia confirmed directly by President Rome, James Pallotta. According to the boss, Garcia is now already have a competitive squad for success. So,he should be able to maximize the quality of his troops to it.

"Rudi must be given time. He was the first coach I chose myself, "Pallotta said in an interview with Il Tempo.

"I'm not happy, but Rudi can improve this team. He should be able to find the right combination after seeing the advantages and disadvantages of each player. We've got players that are very good. Now that Rudi must know who play with whom.

Read also: nasi kotak

Three Mistakes Romagnoli, The Three Defeat Milan

We have the ideal squad. Rome had strong players who are experienced. There are also young players who can guarantee the future of this Club, "said Pallotta again.

Milan considered paying too expensive when buying Alessio Romagnoli from Romeat a price of 25 million euros in the transfer last season. Market value when it was just a Romagnoli 8.5 million. Tudingan now looks like a truth.

Milan has three times suffered defeat. Woe to the Romagnoli, all the setbacks that tinged the fault of him.

Error retrieving the position that makes the red player Rodrigo Ely against Fiorentina, Fredy Guarin escorting errors so that it could be Inter midfielder scored in the derby della Madonnina, until the red card earned Romagnoli in the party against Genoa.

The argument that the sequence of the reasonable mistake done by a young playerthat minimal experience is indeed valid. In fact, the player's birth, January 121995was a central defender's number one team with the youngest age in Serie A this season.

But, heavy pressure for Romagnoli and Milan are not inevitable. The price of expensive Romagnoli is one of the factors. Milan's situation, which is always burdened mustachieve results considering they are targeting this season rose from the slump last season, becoming another reason.

The development of quality defense Milan add to the bad position Romagnoli. Untilthe sixth week of the Serie A, the Italian goalkeeper Il Rosso already suffered nine goals. The amount is the same as it was last season when the team trained Filippo Inzaghi.

Alvaro Morata made a sensation in the Champions League yesterday's weekend have raised its value in Juventus significantly.

Morata scored one goal which brought Juventus beat Sevilla 2-0, Friday (30/1). He repeated the achievement of Alessandro Del Piero in 1995/96, which always scored a goal in five Champions League party consecutively.

As reported, after the Juventus match Tuttosport immediately roll out meetings withrepresentatives of Morata. The Old Lady wanted to ensure the future of the striker is with them.

The current contract until 2019 Morata with 2.2 million euro salary per year. For his part, signed a new contract reportedly is demanding salary increases two-fold, namely between 4 to 4.5 million euros.

Talks between agent Juanma Lopez and Director of Juventus, Giuseppe Marotta, will still continue in a couple of weeks ahead. Juventus certainly felt the demand salary increases were too high.

But, it should be remembered that Real Madrid, who have the option of buying back Morata, easily will be able to meet the numbers 4 to 4.5 million euros per year.

Three Mistakes Romagnoli, The Three Defeat Milan

Alvaro Morata made a sensation in the Champions League yesterday's weekend have raised its value in Juventus significantly.

Morata scored one goal which brought Juventus beat Sevilla 2-0, Friday (30/1). He repeated the achievement of Alessandro Del Piero in 1995/96, which always scored a goal in five Champions League party consecutively.

As reported, after the Juventus match Tuttosport immediately roll out meetings withrepresentatives of Morata. The Old Lady wanted to ensure the future of the striker is with them.

The current contract until 2019 Morata with 2.2 million euro salary per year. For his part, signed a new contract reportedly is demanding salary increases two-fold, namely between 4 to 4.5 million euros.

Talks between agent Juanma Lopez and Director of Juventus, Giuseppe Marotta, will still continue in a couple of weeks ahead. Juventus certainly felt the demand salary increases were too high.

But, it should be remembered that Real Madrid, who have the option of buying back Morata, easily will be able to meet the numbers 4 to 4.5 million euros per year.