Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

Wenger Threatened Fired Arsenal, Appearing a substitute Candidate 5

Swept up in the chain of results less satisfying this season, making the position of Manager of Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, increasingly cornered. As released, the fate of some media United Kingdom France the film guy is yet to be determined in the summer.

Wenger has already declared themselves do not want to give up. Alas, it all does not loosen some gossip related to who deserves to replace his position at Arsenal next season.

The following five candidates substitute for Wenger, who extracted Bola.com from different sources.

1. Joachim Loew
There's not much impressive record when Loew menukangi a club. The name kala inaudible for directing team like Stuttgart (1996-1998), Fenerbahce (1998-1999) sampau Austria Vienna (2003-2004).

New career set public attention when it became Germany, national team assistant coach under Juergen Klinsmann. Loew's team concocted plenty successful Klinsi. Variety of successful degree gripped together Der Panzer, and the latest is the 2014 World Cup, the Champions Trophy in Brazil.

Wenger Threatened Fired Arsenal, Appearing a substitute Candidate 5

The phenomenal appearance in Brazil it also makes the gait Loew increasingly respected. He considered suitable establish communication with star players, plus a game system that belongs to modern.

He was able to increase the level of strategies previously done Klinsmann. Germanysuccessfully changed the game to be more tactical, disorganized and more strikes. The Loew character would rather play a combination of senior-junior, is considered worthy of a menukangi team of Arsenal.

Understandably, such Arsenal lose touch when senior and junior players are in one field. The nature of Loew predicted could give a touch different. Other positive side,56-year-old man is not too well known opponent, so it can give a surprise performance on the side of the field.

2. Dennis Nicolaas Bergkamp
He successfully gave 10 Trophy winner for Arsenal, including three Premier League champions status. His name is not familiar among fans of The Gunners as a figure oflegend. Dennis Nicolaas Bergkamp a coaching qualities considered to be already qualified.

The experience factor was assistant coach of Ajax Amsterdam, under Frank de Boer, giving its own warranty. Space larger creations when a status of head coach, will show the actual Nicolaas Bergkamp figure.

When it became a team coach at Ajax, Nicolaas Bergkamp became a person who always emphasizes the main invasion zone as a weapon, rather than his line of Defense. As a result, the game becomes exciting Ajax side, attractive in some years terarakhir.

New flavors offered, Nicolaas Bergkamp could be ' vitamin ' for new fleet Arsenal for more success. The trend of young coaches, age under 50 years, could also be a reason so that soccer is exciting and full of ambition, victory could present a maximumat the Emirates Stadium.

In the summer of last year, the owners full name Dennis Nicolaas Maria Nicolaas Bergkamp was becoming a favorite figure menukangi Swansea City. At that time, Nicolaas Bergkamp would be considered exact figure replacing Garry Monk.

Alas, a variety of seduction conducted management The Swans could not make Nicolaas Bergkamp interested. He still wants to be at Ajax Amsterdam. However, if the summer later Arsenal fans hope majority himself captaining Mesut Ozil dkk, not impossible men aged 46 this year, failed to resist.

Wenger Threatened Fired Arsenal, Appearing a substitute Candidate 5

3. Thierry Henry
Henry chance to present at the Emirates Stadium as Arsenal Manager next season, thin crusts. He has never undergone training sessions as the architect of the team, plus no experience handling a giant team like The Gunners.

He only remained a legend, plus the support of some fans who want to get to attend Henry back in the Gun Team in London. Henry's only coaching capital led a team of U-18 and U-19 at Arsenal since last January, plus in France national team.

On the other hand, the power of Henry is on the level of imagination. Some time ago he revealed, Wenger must build itself from its own strength. That is, the focus to youth and Academy of football operations, will be the interesting side if Henry is present in The Londonners.

4. Patrick Vieira
He was just a new experience as a coach this year. Alas, his experiences with the New York City FC is not too good. Two days ago, he was bitching about the appearance of the asuhnya children failed to mention reap the victory.

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Experience factor into the negative side of Vieira. But, all that different if Arsenal would like to bring the different atmosphere. The main factors of the capital became a legend for the former midfielder.

Moreover, men aged 39 this year have already expressed the desire to menukangi Arsenal. "I want to go to there, but there has not been a single one from the management to reach me. I would like to concentrate on grabbing experience, and after that it was only to think back to the United Kingdom, my hope along with Arsenal, "stated the Frenchman.

5. Ronald Koeman
He became a figure competitor Joachim Loew to fill the position of Arsene Wenger, at least some versions of mass media in the United Kingdom.